Home > Pricing Plans

Project management, time tracking and other enterprise features at affordable prices.

Choose a pricing plan that's right for your business.

elapseit‘s main characteristics make it a perfect choice not only for companies that want to switch from old time-tracking software, but also for startups, agencies or enterprises that look for a complete, integrated and affordable project management solution that fits right into their workflow.

Monthly payment

Yearly payment (10% discount)



monthly cost per user, billed annually

Time tracking, resource management and forecast

Unlimited users

Unlimited projects

Multi-language invoicing

Audit log

Multilanguage application

(English, French, German, Italian, Spanish)

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monthly cost per user, billed annually

Complete project management solution, including task tracking

Resourcing package +

Task management

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Integrated and customized solution that just fits in

Specific features

Personalized integrations

Dedicated support

Isolated environment

Custom URL

Contact sales

* European Union customers will be billed in Euro at the daily exchange rate.

Mobile applications are included on all plans:

Resourcing features:


Pre-filled timesheets based on the resources scheduling.

Time off

All paid time off of your employees plus any other employee availability information in one planner view.

Resource planner

A quick overview of your resources allocation for present and future.


Your Business in a glance. Graphs and stats that provides a clear image of your business.


Get all the information you need to make decisions based on facts.

Data export (CSV/PDF)

Making the transition easier by transferring data and not introducing it manually.

Access levels

Restricted access based on different roles – user, project manager, project director, accounting, administrator.

Custom settings

Customize the application according to your needs.

Support ticketing platform

24/7 support for any question regarding elapseit.

Timesheets and leave approval workflow

Approve/Reject the submitted hours on projects and the vacation/ business trip requests.

Resource cost

It helps you evaluate your business right.

Status tracking

Numerous stats in a glance (person, client, project, phase, task, etc)

Multiple currencies and Custom rates

Working with different countries, invoice in different currencies.

Secured accounts

We are using industry standard cryptography for hashing, encryption and authentication, including on rest data.

Time-tracking&Leave notifications

With email and in-app notifications, you will never miss a request again!


Track billable and non-billable costs and link them to projects.


You can add comments directly to your tasks or timesheet.

Filters and sorting

A granular view and a better analyze of your data.


Tracking business mileage manually can be incredibly time-consuming and unnecessarily complicated. Mileage, in elapseit, makes the process very efficient.

Rate history

The hourly rates change often, that’s a fact! This will help you have accurate data that keeps track of all rate changes.

Custom fields

We all work in different ways, with different processes and we keep track of different information. Custom fields allow you to capture and store data that is unique to your business workflow apart from the standard fields.

Bank holidays for multiple locations

Managing teams spread out across different countries or continents is not a challenge anymore. You can avoid schedule conflicts by setting the bank holidays for each location.It will help you estimate reachable deadlines for your projects.


Simple invoices or Smart invoices based on timesheets and/or expenses. Invoices with multiple rates, currencies, languages. Overview of the account receivable, overdue invoices, revenue.


You can track everything in the language you are comfortable with; go global with every little detail including the multi-national team members that can set their individual account in their preferred language.

Single Sign-On

You can connect the Single Sign-On provider your organisation is using to elapseit as well. Escape password hell and sign in with the simple click of a button.

Audit log

Access a security-relevant chronological record of changes throughout the system.

Task management features added in complete plan:

Task Management

Create, assign, organize, prioritize, and monitor the tasks on your projects. You can have a quick look over the dashboard to see the pulse of each project or you can drill down, looking into project phase, or even at person level.

Kanban board

The Kanban board gives you an excellent overview of your current work situation. Visualizing work in a team environment simplifies communication and leads to improved productivity.

Gantt view

Never lose track of your projects progress or miss a deadline due to miscommunication. Tasks and sub-tasks can be viewed in a Gantt chart with status, responsible person, and chronological relationships.

Discount policy

Yes, we are transparent about our discounts and will always offer the maximum discount you qualify for, so there’s no beating around the bush! We offer the following discounts:

  • For all accounts, we offer a 10% discount when paying for the year in advance.
  • For larger teams we offer volume discounts. Contact us for more information.
  • For nonprofits and educational institutions, we offer a 20% discount when paying monthly and a 30% discount for paying for the year in advance.
  • For small startups (less than 10 users and 2 projects), your account’s on us!

For any other sales requests, please contact us at sales@elapseit.com